lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Rovaniemi. August 21st 2015.

(by Diego José García González)

The course ending was coming. After some “Mazinger” we started to review all lessons we had learnt during the week. We talk about Bloom’s Taxonomy and, individually, each one had to design an activity to be used in his/her classroom. The main condition was that we had to use some verbs that were in the high levels of the referred taxonomy. I created a task related to web development and security. All of us explained our activity to the rest of the class. Some days later, Tuula sent us the activities by email.
In the last part of the course we had to play with animated toys. All of us got a toy and we had to study its movements. After the study we had to match the movements of our toy with two characteristics of learning, then, we had to expose our conclusions.


After lunch, two special people came to bring us the awards, they were the King and the Queen of The United Kingdom.


Rovaniemi. August 20th 2015.

(by Diego José García González)

After the classic warm-up we studied “Dadaism”. We worked over a text about “the beginning of Dadaism”. We had to read the text and define it using different graphic organizers that Peeter gave us.


After this activity we improved our knowledge about dadaism with a collage. As students we had to see a picture and we had to make “wh” questions about it.


In the afternoon, Peeter showed us a lot of graphic organizers that could be quite useful in our CLIL classes.
In the evening, we went to visit the Arcticum Museum of Rovaniemi. This Museum has collected a lot of information about the life in the Arctic, how Sami People live, their clothes, their tools to cook and to hunt, animal sounds, life representations, etc …
I enjoyed a lot seeing a video about Northern Lights that it was projected in a room in the center of the Museum. I was surprised when I saw some Sami “sunglasses” there were Wood glasses with a thin hole with the shape of a line in the middle. We could test them and compare with the current sunglasses, and, surprisingly, all of them did the same effect!

Rovaniemi. August 19th 2015.

(by Diego José García González)

After the traditional warm-up “Mazinger” we had to make an exposition about the experiences we had last evening in our delimited area. Francesco and me created a framework based on graphical information and animated objects to describe the process we did. In the picture, we can see a map of the area we explored, a man with a stick to measure the pine and several lines from some parts of the map to real objects we got to illustrate what we could see in the country.


After lunch we had to do other task. In groups of three people, we had to compare our hands and, using a Venn diagram, we had to put in each circle the commonalities and differences between them. This exercise was quite useful because I realized that I was doing some things in a wrong way and the worst problem was I thought I was doing well. After that I have changed a lot of things in my daily lessons. In addition, this exercise forces the learner to know some English vocabulary and to apply it.


In the evening, we did other outdoor activity. In this case we had to build a shelter with natural materials. We only had some newspapers, a wool string, scissors, and several matches. We had to invent the rest.
Paco had a great idea and all people in the group (Cinzia, Amparo and me) followed his instructions. Using dead trees and a lot of sticks (tied with strings of wool), we created the structure on the shelter.


We had to test the shelter, then, I decided to do it. 


We covered the larger holes with pine branches and the smaller with moss. I could not believe it, but now, I can say that the more moss it was, the warmer I felt. Thanks to the work of the whole group we could finish the shelter as you can see in the left part of the next picture.


Rovaniemi. August 18th 2015.

(by Diego José García González)

The second day started with a warm-up. Peeter told us that we will do indoor activities in the morning and outdoor activities in the afternoon.
The indoor activities were centred in putting in order different actions that the education has. The actions had to be sorted from the most powerful to the less according to different researches. I was doing it with Matteo and Francesco and we realized that it was not an easy task. That task changed our thoughts about how powerful some activities were.


After lunch we did an outdoor activity. Peeter showed us some objects and told us their names to recognize them in the forest. He explained how to measure a large tree to be applied in other task that consisted in selecting an area, indentifying different plants in that area and measuring a pine.



Rovaniemi. August 17th 2015

(by Diego José García González)

 We started the Course “Outdoor CLIL” introducing us. We met people from Valencia, Cerdeña and Calabria.
Peeter, the teacher, told us that we had to paste a lot of papers on the walls, then we had to paste spots on the sentences we thought are powerful or not. After that we had to discuss why we took those decisions.

After lunch we went to Santa’s Village, the place where Santa Claus lives. It is a small place inside the forest but near the main road. The main house, where Santa lives, is rounded by a lot of gift shops. In fact, the Official shop is inside the Santa’s home, somebody said that it is not a secret that Santa has a good sense of business.
When we entered in the village, the first thing we could see was the Santa’s Post Office. In this building, they receive the letters from a lot of children in the World.
Then, we saw the directions of a lot of cities where Santa goes on Christmas.


Near the direction tree we crossed the Arctic Circle.


Some minutes later we went to Santa’s home and we could know Santa Claus.


Scaffolding in finland. August 2015

Scaffolding Thinking Skills
in CLIL / Outdoor CLIL
17 - 21 August 2015
Location: Rovaniemi, Finland

- Peeter Mehisto, UK.
- Tuula Asikainen, Finland.
(by Francisco Panadero Bautista). 